A couple of examples got me to thinking about my worth and value proposition.
1. A gentleman recently "hit on me at a restaurant." I guess that's flattering. I wasn't interested, but asked him what his value proposition was. He was offended. Why I wondered. Surely a 38 year old man could articulate it beyond his career. I really wanted to know why I should entertain his request. How would he contribute to my life? How could I contribute his life? I told that if he had asked me what my value proposition is, I could articulate it. Point is: I am worth so much more than my education, the value of my job (though really nice), my friends (though really super fabulous and successful), the designer threads that grace my body or even the brand of car I drive.
Let's get deeper folks. Just because you have a job and no children does not make you a viable candidate to be my friend or my beau. I'm worth so much more, but more importantly, so are you.
2. My friend recently realized the value and worth of his girlfriend after she broke up with him. We all have 20/20 vision in hindsight. Yes, indeed. I heard all about how wonderful and amazing he thought she was after the fact. I kindly explained to him to tell her and not me. Again, he had been so self-centered that he forgot what a prize person she was and he himself. The story ends beautifully, but again, I wondered...Does he really understand his value and his worth.
This is where I ask you to weign in and share your thoughts on the subject. Inquiring minds want to know.
I wonder what this is worth... Seems like very little until you're hot as heck and tired from climbing a mountain. Suddenly, its value changes!
Located on the mountain side of a Chilean Winery.